
My job is not who I am

I don't care much for work. That is to say, I do it because I have to and not because I want to. It's not that I dislike working - in fact I enjoy my job and I really don't mind doing it, after all I'm working in the field that I aimed to go into - but it's not my purpose in life.

So many people draw their sense of meaning or define who they are based on their job. When you meet someone for the first time they are likely to ask you what your job is and they will make judgements about you based on your response. Or if they are introducing themselves it wouldn't be odd for them to simply state their name, where they're from, and their profession.

But I don't think that the job we do defines who we are. Your job is just something that you do. Similarly, your name is not who you are, it's just a series of sounds to which you respond. And your hometown is just where your parents settled down when your mom gave birth. These things are not WHO you are, they are merely minor details of your background and say nothing of you as a person.

It's not as if I'm embarrassed to tell other people what I do for a living. My job is considered "a good job", it's something that will always get positive reactions when I tell people what I do, but it's not who I am it's just something that I do. I don't do it because I want to, I do it because in return for my labor I receive money which I can use to pay for goods and services. I would rather do this job than other jobs, but if money were not a concern than I simply wouldn't do any job at all, I would instead spend all of my time pursuing my hobbies.

I extend this view to how I see other people as well. I don't care what job you do because I know it doesn't define who you are as a person. What I instead judge is how much of a slave you are to your career. That is, do you work to live or do you live to work?

I work to live. Once I clock out I'm done for the day, I'm not responding to messages or phone calls or anything. Hell, I don't even get notifications for them. My job is a job, and once my contracted working hours have concluded I will not give a single thought to my job until the beginning of my contracted hours on my next working day. I have better things to do.