
Dreaming in Japanese

It is very rare that I remember the content of my dreams, but sometimes if I am woken up during the night I will remember my dream - and that's exactly what happened last night. I'm sick at the moment so my quality of sleep wasn't very good, but then I was awoken when I received a spam call from Sri Lanka and it pulled me out of my dream so suddenly that I remember some of it.

The dream has some resemblance to a recent even that happened in my life. A few weeks ago a friend and I went to Akihabara to play and at one of the shops we visited I had to ask the staff for assistance. While paying for my items the staff made a remark about how good my Japanese was, which prompted me to tell him that it's because I'm not a tourist (Akihabara is primarily a tourist district) and this turned into a short chat about how long I have been living in Japan.

My dream last night was similar to this. I was speaking with someone in a shop, and after waking up I could remember the content of our conversation. Specifically, I remember a rather lengthy explanation that I had given to the person in my dream, and I was surprised when I realized that it was all in Japanese.

I have been living in Japan and learning Japanese for several years now so it shouldn't come as any surprise that I would eventually begin having dreams in Japanese, but to me it came as a big surprise because this is something I first heard about years ago but had yet to experience until now. I don't know if this was my first dream in Japanese - after all, I rarely remember my dreams - but it is certainly the first that I remember and I am interpreting it as a sign of improvement in my language abilities.