
20 years late, but still too cool for school 😎

iPod Mini

When I was a kid everyone started moving away from CD's in favor of MP3 players. The iPod was massively popular at the time and was well-regarded as being a good device (and for good reason!) It was the Walkman of the 21st century, so the speak. I always wanted an iPod but I was never able to get one, I was stuck with low quality generically branded MP3 players. Which was fine, I made do with what I had, but I always wanted an iPod. That is, until the era of the smartphone came about. When I acquired my first smartphone in the early 2010s I put all of my music onto an SD card and never looked back, it was so much better than the low quality MP3 players I had in years prior.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the line that MP3 player functionality of smartphones seems to have disappeared. Sure you can still play music on your phone but everything is just streamed nowadays. A while back I tried putting some MP3's onto my phone and I had to download a special app to even be able to listen to them, and even then the experience was lackluster as there were problems with files appearing or sorting properly. For the past few years I have thought about picking up an MP3 player as nothing beats having a local music collection that you can enjoy at any time even offline, and how great was it to listen to music without being distracted by notifications all the time???

I had considered getting a cheap Chinese device but I saw some videos of other people modding iPod's and I knew that I needed one too. I picked up this 2nd gen iPod Mini for 2000 yen and replaced its 4GB mini hard drive with a 128GB flash card. I also replaced the battery with a new one. I ran into a few hiccups along the way while trying to restore the firmware after installing the flash card but now that's all out of the way and I can focus on filling this thing up with some music! I'm 20 years late to the iPod party, but now is just as good as ever.

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